Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai Info
Everyone is by now familiar with the unique design of this groundbreaking resort, internationally acknowledged as one the finest hotels in the world. Designed to resemble a billowing sail, the magnificent Burj Al Arab Hotel soars over 320 meters above Dubai, dominating the skyline. Enjoy absolute five-star luxury, from the chauffer-driven Rolls Royce that brings guests to the private reception, to the highly trained brigade of butlers that are on call 24-hrs a day. All the suites of this remarkable hotel are spacious to say the least, each taking two floors, with the floor to ceiling glass windows affording stunning views of the Arabian Gulf. Dining in the hotel is an equally memorable experience, with a choice of eight different restaurants, though the signature dining room, Al Mahara, should not be missed, with it�s enormous aquarium providing both the centerpiece, and a convenient location to store the seafood items on the menu.
this hotel costs a whopping $50,000 per night. translate it into philippine pesos and surely you'll br in major (monetary) pain!
hi there.... your blog is nice...., and simple mzta nmn yung sailormoon moH!!!! dont you there forget to give me a comment
dUbai buRj aL arAb is reAlly cooL tlGa.. iT loOk amAzunG tlGa, saNa mkPg woRk tAu jAmn!!hAja aDd mOre..
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